2009.11.28. 02:43 | kutyacica | Szólj hozzá!

Hate week comes full circle, here it is: Gameday! En mar javaban a meccsre hangolodom (idozitett posztok ruleZ), ja es ne aggodjatok a hetvege utan beszamolok majd a Thanksgivingrol, Black Fridayrol es persze a meccsnaprol is - a mai posztba pedig nehany motivacios videot es idezetet suritettem be.




Bobby Dodd:

Now let me tell you what is going to happen today. That Georgie team is going to come running out of the tunnel screaming and crying. They will be foaming at the mouth and smashing one another upside the head just to get warmed up. A couple of them will throw up on the sidelines for good measure. We will not do any of that. I do not want to see tears in your eyes. While they are wasting energy we will conserve ours. We will direct our energy into constructive action. I have told you they bigger, faster, and tougher than you. All that is true, but we do have one advantage. We are smarter than they are.

Paul Johnson:

Aint nobody goin to give us nothin'. I don't want anybody to give me something, I want to take it. Let's go out there for 60 minutes, one play at a time, and get us some respect!

Tashard Choice, GT running back (az o 22-eset hordom az arany mezemen, a speech 0:25-nel kezdodik):


My everything or nothing, Turn that damn thing uppp and GIVE EM HELL, TECH!

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