random jótanács: fb privacy top10
2009.02.18. 01:57 | kutyacica | 1 komment
Címkék: random facebook gép top10
random note: inauguration and technology
2009.01.20. 14:52 | kutyacica | 8 komment
Címkék: random
As you all know Obama will be sworn in today - I'll be in class learning how to Manage Resources of the Technological Firm* but watch (stream) it if you can, it should be historic or what plus its also free HBO, that's not too often now is it? :) - and obviously from CNN to Twitter its all over the…
The world goes on - random xkcd
2008.11.05. 06:46 | kutyacica | Szólj hozzá!
Címkék: random usa election08
random videó: "Nelly - Bazzeg rálépett a cipőmre"
2008.10.12. 19:58 | kutyacica | 1 komment
Címkék: random