25 random things

2009.02.09. 21:10 | kutyacica | 5 komment

Címkék: random top10

Ehhez nincs mit hozzátenni, csak meg akartam őrizni a blogomra is az örökkévalóságnak. Enjoy.


1. I'm helplessly devoted to.. somebody not on Facebook.*

2. I shaved my head completely bold two years in a row at the Schönherz Qpa, my school's Homecoming event.

3. I used to do Hungarian folk dancing and play folk instruments for a number of years as a kid. I was actually part of my hometown university's folk dance group at the age of 12.

4. I hold the rules of calling and riding shotgun sacred and I am amused by anyone who thinks that is stupid.

5. I (co)wrote the lyrics for my team's anthem for the Schönherz Qpa four years in a row. I actually rap in the fourth one. If you're persistent in your search, you might find it out there :)

6. I decided that I wanted to learn computer science at the age of 13 when I went to a Computer Ed (get it?) camp in MA. I was actually invited back the following year as a counselor-in-training basically thanx to the amazing boss lady Francesca Fotti. Studying at a US university has been my dream ever since. Unfortunately, I've lost touch with the wonderful people I met there since, something I frequently feel very sorry for. Francy, Nina, Leona: if you are out there, find me please :D

7. As a final Schönherz Qpa reference, I always thought that I sucked at the traditional sport of the Qpa, the 10 man beer-chug-relay but I actually made it into the 100 man Guinness Record breaking relay event in my final year at BME with a time of 4.06 secs (for 0.5L of beer). In all honesty though we break that record every year so I am probably not a record holder anymore because I missed out on this years event being in ATL.

8. I am a half-decent texas hold'em player, although I can absolutely not stand playing with fish, typically loosing my temper and yelling "how on earth could you call with THAT?!!!!". Consequently, the only people I know who appreciate my skills are the ones who play a lot better then me. Accidentally, I happen to know some serious players in my home country, btw.

9. I am a serious Manchester United and England football fan, probably the biggest but definitely the loudest the Martos Kollégium has ever seen.

10. I buy 95% of my apparel from a Spanish clothing brand called Springfield.

11. I have never broken a bone in my life.

12. I ran the half-marathon when I was 16 (give or take one year, my memories are sort of blurry from high school date-wise) and running an actual marathon is very high on my bucket list.

13. I don't eat pork. My favorite foods are sushi and steak.

14. I have been likened to Jean Paul Belmondo, Ace Ventura (and Jim Carrey in general) and even Leonardo DiCaprio at different stages in my life, although I think that these are all ridiculous.

15. I used to wear a piercing in my left eyebrow.

16. I love the music of the band Depeche Mode and I believe that everybody who thinks that is merely an 80s band has totally lived under a rock for the last 20 years.

17. I lived at the same room number for all my five years at BME, room 516 - although at two different college dorms.

18. My favorite show is the Sopranos, I have seen every single episode at least twice. I love watching sitcoms and drama series in general, btw.

19. I have never ever in my life Torrented anything, although I was a fairly early adopter of Napster.

20. I got fined for not coming to a full halt at a stop sign the very first time I drove a car. I have not once been fined by the police for anything in the 8 years since. Up to this day, I believe that one incident was unjust, too.

21. I love túró rudi and I feel sorry for people who don't know what that is.

22. I know where I want to spend my honeymoon (Paris), I find planning my future wedding very entertaining and I love to go on shopping sprees at the mall.

23. I was there when the streak ended in Athens!! THWG

24. As I like to say in Hungarian, my main hobby is "nagyívű elképzelések nem megvalósítása". In translation, I get enthusiastic about new things easily and I love to come up with grandiose plans, but... I rarely properly finish anything.

*technically, ez már így nem pontos. de szerencsére in a good way :)

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

Viti2 (törölt) 2009.02.11. 12:00:21

Ez szerintem nem "random" 25 hanem "all the" 25 things, már úgy értem, hogy nem nagyon van olyan main attribute amit kihagytál volna. Amúgy ez nem csak 24? Ezt mikor, mihez kellett elkészítened?

Viti2 (törölt) 2009.02.11. 12:01:20

Ja, amúgy hazajöttünk síelésből, elég jó volt. Valamikor kellene skypeolni, majd akkor mesélek.

kutyacica 2009.02.11. 18:23:31

hej brother! üdv újra itthon - már mint h szóval izé, érted na :)

De, 24 és ha elolvasod az utolsót figyelmesen rögtön ki is derül miért :)

1ébként egyetértek az első meglátásoddal, nem nagyon maradt olyan dolog ami érdekes viszont nem nagyon kínos ;)

mindenképpen szkájplizzunk, kíváncsian várom az élménybeszámolót!

kutyacica 2009.02.11. 18:28:23

ja h honnan jött? a facebookon van egy ilyen hype mostanában, még a nytimes is írt róla egy cikket, ők jobban összefoglalják mint én tudnám:


amúgy engem szobatársam Brandon taggelt be.

Viti2 (törölt) 2009.02.11. 22:21:55

Elolvastam a cikket és megint kiderült számomra, hogy nem vagyok képben a napjainkat meghatározó kérdésekkel ;-) Már majdnem rászántam magam arra, hogy kitalálom a sajátomat... de inkább mégsem.
süti beállítások módosítása