The muttlickers...
This is it: Clean, Old Fashioned Hate.
A mai, utolso viccek hosszabb lelegzetveteluek, de annal jobbak :) A Tech student is driving to Athens for a party and a UGA fan is driving south to go hunting. It's raining and they both collide, crossing the median of 316 getting in a terrible accident. The Tech guy says, "it's a miracle we're alive. I've got a bottle of really good tequila in back that didn't get broken. Let's set aside the rivalry and celebrate the fact that we're both still alive." The UGA guy says OK and takes a long pull from the bottle. He hands it over to the Tech student who says "No thanks, I'll wait until after the cops show up." Four college alumni were climbing a mountain: one from Georgia, Georgia Tech, Florida and Notre Dame. Each proclaimed to be the most loyal of all fans. As they climbed higher, they argued as to which one of them was the most loyal. When they reached the top, the Notre Dame grad hurled himself off the mountain, shouting "This is for the Fighting Irish!" as he fell to his doom. Not wanting to be outdone, the Florida grad threw himself off the mountain proclaiming, "This is for the Gators!" Seeing this, the Georgia Tech grad walked over and shouted "This is for the Yellow Jackets!" and pushed the Bulldogs fan off the mountain. In one class, the teacher, asks the kids who in the classroom is a UGA fan. the teacher raises his own hand high and firm. looking at their teacher, all kids raise their hand too, though they don't know anything about college sports. all but the brightest kid in the class. this little girl, who aces all her tests of course, firmly folds her hands and huffs. the teacher notices the little girl and asks her "so you're not a UGA fan??" the little girl goes "NO! i am a yellow jacket" the teacher turns bright red and asks the girl "why are you a yellow jacket?" the girl replies "cause my mom and dad are yellow jackets". the teacher goes "so what? if your mom and dad were morons, would you be a moron too?" to this the little girl replies "No. then i would be a uga fan" Es a vegere hagytam az abszolut szemelyes kedvencemet. Belatom, az eddig elsorolt viccek gyakorlatileg tetszes szerint behelyettesithetoek majd kivetel nelkul - ezert csipazom ezt nagyon, mert ez tenyleg csak a GT-re mukodik _ennyire jol_. Q: What do you call a Tech grad ho reigns over thousands of Georgia grads? A: The CEO of Walmart. And this, my dear friends, is true: Mike Duke, CEO of Wal-Mart, is in fact a Georgia Tech grad. Megy fun factet taraztam be mara, mintegy jelezven a superiority-nket: - A ket alakulat kozotti legelso merkozest.. mi nyertuk meg, raadasul Athensban, 1893 nov 4-en, 28-6ra paholtuk el a georgie-t. - A leghosszabb gyozelmi sorozat, ahogy azt mindenki kivulrol tudja, szinten a GT nevehez fuzodik: Bobby Dodd nyolcszor egymas utan paholta el a UGAg-t, 1949–1956 kozott (ha mar Bobby Dodd, nem mellesleg egesz veletlen nem csak a Heisman van am GT coach-rol elnevezbe, hanem a legjobb edzonek jaro eves Bobby Dodd Coach of The Year Award is.) - A GT buszkelkedhet tobb konferencia gyozelemmel, 15 a 14 elleneben, valamint - Az abszolut superiority meroszamban, NCS title-ok teren is mi vezetunk, 4 a 2 elleneben. Es mivel gentleman-ek vagyunk, igen megyjegyzem, hogy a 80-as evektol tavaly elottig tarto dominanciajanak koszonhetoen az all-time merleg a georgie fele billen. Hmm, hol is hallottam utoljara olyan csapatrol, amelyik a kozelmult egyre tavolodo dicsosegebe probalt kapaszkodni, addig amig vegul ebben az egy kategoriaban is elbukta a vezetest? Ja igen tudom :)Szoval, the Clean Old Fashioned Hate, the South's most heated rivarly, the battle for the Governor's Cup. Miben, mitol tobb ez mint az osszes tobbi sport rivalizalas? Bazzeg komcsy, az csak foci - szinte hallom is. Ezert is emeltem at ezt a top10 listat kedvenc GT blogomrol (fromtherumbleseat), ami tokeletesen osszefoglalja azokat az esemenyeket, amik miatt ilyen gyuloletes szamunkra a georgie.
10 Reasons the Institute hates the University [sic]:
These are ten chronological reasons why the Institute and the University [sic] do not like eachother and they are pretty legitimate reasons for Tech fans to generally distrust, dislike, or plain out hate ugag:
10. The founding of Tech in the 1880's was originally planned as the mechanical engineering school of uga. Uga politicians/faculty wanted the School of Technology in Athens but luckily the governor's office wanted an independent non-agricultural school that would not be influenced by the aggies. Big time controversy led to Tech's opening being postponed. Thank God the first Tech Men won the debate.
9. November 4, 1893. We are invited to play ugag in football. Our first ever victory in football. Our first ever dealings with ugag's athletic department and we are pelted by ugag fans with rocks and garbage. Then, chased by a mob back to our awaiting train. Our star player Leonard Wood finished the game with several stitches above his eye that were the result of hurled debris.
8. 1908. Ugag alumni incite Southern Conference investigation into recruiting practices of John Heisman. Heisman was the definition of moral character and gave all of his records, books, and such to the investigators who found no fault in his program.
7. 1919. The boys come home from World War I. Tech acted as a military officer training facility and had a full compliment of men on campus during the war. Ugag's student body was a mass of grunts that quit school and joined up. So in celebration of ugag's students return, they threw a big parade. In the parade, ugag displayed a donkey painted yellow that said "Tech in Atlanta" and a tank that had "UGA in Argonne" painted on the side. I'm sorry ugag fans but that's pretty f-ing low. Tech men were leading your hillbilly asses into battle and this is the thanks they get.
6. 1943 and 1944. Tech destroys ugag in football both years. Ugag does not recognize the games to this day. Sore losers. Once again, we were a military school at the time. The players that played in those games were legitimately enrolled at Tech. They were transfers from schools all over the country but our best players were still Tech Men (e.g. John Steber, Phil Tinsley, and Eddie Prokop).
5. 1978. Tech attempts re-entry into the Southeastern Conference after scholarship limits are imposed and a true recruiting ethics doctrine is implemented. At one point, SEC teams would over-recruit their rosters and dump kids in the middle of the Summer if they didn't make the team, leaving them without scholarships. This is one of the main reasons Dodd left the SEC in 1964. In the 1978 vote, the biggest opponent of Tech was...ugag. They rallied their fellow redneck schools and shot down Tech's attempt.
4. December 2, 1978. Dooley orders the hit on Eddie Lee Ivery that knocks Ivery out of the ugag game and out of the Heisman race. Bullshit move by a bullshit coach.
3. 1994. Ugag athletic department cites the The Omni's proximity to Tech's campus as the reason ugag can't beat Tech in basketball. They didn't take into account the fact that ugag fans don't give two shits about basketball and weren't coming to the games or that their teams/coaches sucked.
2. November 25, 1994. The most recent of Tech-ugag bench clearing brawls 'cause Ray Goof thought it was cool to leave the starters in with the game in hand. Congrats Ray, your team beat a 1 win Tech team. I wish Ryan Stewart had punched him in the face during the fight.
1. 2000. The ugag band stabs our giant inflatable buzz... That's pretty low. Good thing we made the band pay for it.
A listat vegignezve en is belatom hogy vannak rajta kevesbe huha dolgok - de az elso meccset koveto vandalizmus, a II. VH-s veteranjaink meggyalazasa, a Heisman elleni es persze az SEC-be valo visszalepes elleni aknamunka eleg okot adnak arra, hogy teli torokbol uvoltse az ember: