Hate Week! Thursday

2009.11.26. 02:26 | kutyacica | Szólj hozzá!

The muttlickers are...

inbred rednecks.

Egy sportokat ativelo fun factet valasztottam mara, es egy olyan hagyomanyrol irok meg, aminek eddig meg nem voltam reszese, de tavasszal terveim szerint ezt is bepotolom majd.









Q: What does it mean when a UGA graduate drools out of both sides of his
mouth at the same time?
A: His trailer is level.

Q:What has 20,000 legs and 6 teeth?
A:The front row at Sanford stadium.

Q: Why did they cancel Christmas at U(sic)GA?
A: Because they couldn't find 3 wise men or a virgin!

Q: What do a UGA grad and a tornado have in common?
A: They're both headed to a trailer park

Q: What do you get when you cross a Georgia Bulldawg with an Arkansas
A: Nothing. There are certain things even a pig won't do.

Q: What is the difference between pigs and the UGA cheerleaders?
A: Nothing, the football players have screwed them both.

Q: What is the difference between a cow and a UGA cheerleader?
A: The cow will be more successful in life.

Egy ujabb first a GT athletic programtol: In 2007, GT became the first school ever to have top-12 picks same year in the NFL, NBA and MLB. Konretan: Thaddeus Young-ot 12.-kent draftolta a Philadelphia 76ers, Calvin Johnson GT evei alatt a football csapat megasztarja volt, a wide receivert 2. pick-kent a Detroit Lions vitte el, Matt Wieters pitcher pedig az 5. overall pick volt, a Baltimore Orioles altal (mind 3an aktivak es eredeti csapatuk szineiben jatszanak).

A hagyomany pedig, amirol ma tervezterm irni a Pi Mile Race, ami talan a leggeekebb sport hagyomany amit ismerek, only at tech :) Mirol van szo? Arrol, ami a neve, mondhatnam, de ez igy nem teljesen pontos, mivel mai formajaban mar ez egy 5 km-es futoverseny. Magam meg nem vettem benne reszt, de iden (azaz jovore, szoval 2010-ben) remelem el tudok ra menni, jo poennak tunik. Kicsit bovebben a wikipediarol alant. RIP Tyler Brown!

The Dean George C. Griffin Pi Mile 5K Road Race is run annually in the Spring on the Georgia Tech campus. One of the longest continually running races in Atlanta (btw ha mar errol van itt szo, az atlantai a legregebbi marathon in the South - a szerk.), it is named after former Dean of Students, George C. Griffin, in honor of his tenure as a track and cross country coach. The race founder is alumnus L. McTier "Mac" Anderson, class of 1967.[72] The first race in 1973 was 3 miles long and was expanded to 3.14 miles after 1975—hence the Pi Mile.[72] In 2002, the race distance was slightly shortened to 5 kilometers, intendedly to attract more runners.[73] Another race tradition is the Ghost Run, where all the entrants sign up as George P. Burdell; participants pay the fee and get a t-shirt but do not have to run.[72][73]

Part of the race is run along the Tyler Brown Pi-Mile Trail, a 3.14-mile running course around well-lit areas of the Georgia Tech campus, designated with disc-shaped markers and maps along the way.[74] Tyler Brown was a former Student Government Association President who ran daily for ROTC and pushed heavily for a well-lit and safe running trail.[74] Tyler Brown was killed in action in Iraq on September 14, 2004. The trail was completed in December 2004 and was dedicated in his honor in April 2005.[74][75]

A meccs elotti utolso napon hangolodaskeppen maga a Clean Old Fashioned Hate lesz a fo tema: rivalry viccek, torteneti attekintes (avagy miert is To Hell With Georgia), valamint nehany fun fact a rivalry tortenetebol.


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