Victory at last!!!!!!!

2008.11.02. 05:15 | kutyacica | Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: foci yellowjackets

Ok, I am at Jason's right now, so Im not gonna bother with installing a hungarian language pack or sg, just write (sort of)english instead.

So, last time we left off  the day before the Homecoming game. Well - that day couldn't have gone worse, honestly.

First, after taking an early lead, MU gets lazy and ends up drawing Everton. Well, we still have the Homecoming to cheer about, right? Well, it starts as a nightmare - losing an early field goal - and ends as a nightmare, because we actually ended up losing our homecoming game. yes, thats right.

Well, you guys know me and how engaged I get with sports so you can imagine my devastation; my week was perfectly ruined.

So, it finally passed - a couple of interesting things: applied for internships, had some work done on my projects, MU got a good victory midweek and I applied for the CTF team, more on this later - and then came the weekend: another premier league game and a HUGE game against Florida State.

So the Red Devils won, easy game even we gave away some stupid goals but we are just that better, and even better almost, scousers lost so awesome!

But then, on to GT football. Turns out, this was a really huge game. To give you the idea: the last time we have beaten FSU, our coach was in high school, so there's some history to say the least. Even my advisot Prof. Traynor got really worked up about it.

And it started as awefully as the last game, in fact this time we lost a td early on. But then we got back into it and after a strong 2nd quarter we were up 11, but they recovered some in the third, so basicly it came down to a 3 point game with a minute on the clock, LFU on attack. 2nd and TD. We just could not believe it but then...

They fumble, we recover IN OUR TD ZONE (JUST FALL ON IT REID ALREADY!!!)and there you have it:


And just like in the movies: we rushed the field and everything, Brandon got a hold of a game ball and we took a picture with it, it was freakin' awesome!



So that's the short story of last week. I also made a lot of pictures of the game and Homecoming decorations, so I will be posting those soon.

Stay tuned - GO Georgia Tech! GO Georgia Tech GO Georgia Tech GO Georgia Tech!!!... (This song is played every game between the 3rd and 4th quarter, inspired by the 1976(!) Budweiser commercial. The video was actually shot this year against Jacksonville State, I was like 20 yards to the left from these guys.)

Btw, sorry for the links, the embbeding's disabled for these grrrr

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