That was insane!

2009.10.12. 20:31 | kutyacica | 2 komment

Címkék: gt yellowjackets

Igy tudnam leginkabb jellemezni a szombati meccset, amit heroikus kuzdelemben 49 44-re elhoztunk, a vilagtortenelemben elso alkalommal Tallahassee-ben elpicsazva a Seminole-okat.

Orult egy meccs volt, annyi szent. Szamokban:

9 consecutive touchdowns.
63 points in the first half.
1,000 yards of offense.
1 punt.

Leirom betukkel is, egy darab punt, az egesz meccsen. 35-35ig, ahova a 3. harmad elso perceben jutottunk el, minden egyes drive-bol TD lett. Utana vegre sikerult megfekezni oket, elobb field goal-ig majd nullara, es igy vegul eljottunk a W-vel. Silver lining az, hogy a 2. felidoben vegulis mar rendben volt a vedelem, "osszesen" 9 pontot engedtunk. De in summary, ezzel a D-vel eselyunk sem lehet a VT ellen, marpedig e het Homecoming, es szombat este Hokie-veres a program: de ehhez nagyon fel kell kotni a gatyat.

A heten majd probalok irni a Homecomingos esemenyekrol ahogy lesznek, leginkabb csutortoktol vasarnapig, tervek szerint lesz itt minden, Mock Rock, Festival, Mini-500, tailgating, zsakbanugras lepenyeves es persze a meccs! Addig is: get ready! A meccseken eloszeretettel felvillanyozodok kedveert (ilyen mondjuk szerintem nem olvassa a blogot :) bemasoltam ide a GT Rallying Cry message-et a la facebook.

Ladies and Gentlemen; Friends; fellow Tech fans one and all! I doubt that any of you, my fellow Techies, need to be reminded of how big this upcoming game is. Virginia Tech comes into Bobby Dodd Stadium, OUR home turf, sitting pretty as Number FOUR (#4) in the nation. They come to OUR stadium as the winners of the past TWO Atlantic Coast Conference Crowns. What happened the last time these "Hokies" made their way down to our field for a good 'ol game of football? They made an absolute embarrassment of our beloved Jackets the last time they paid a visit. That also says nothing about our gut-wrenching three point loss to them last year that essentially kept us from achieving an ACC Championship.

"We owe them one" is probably the biggest understatement of the millennium. My fellow Tech fans, the time for revenge is NIGH!

Saturday. October 17th. 2009th year of the Anno Domini era.

Remember this day, ladies and gentlemen. For this day shall go down in infamy! ...For Virginia Tech fans. It shall be upon this beloved day that Coach Paul Johnson and our Yellow Jackets take the Triple Option offense straight to the Hokies of Virginia (Poly)Tech(nic Institute and State University) and show them how some REAL football is done.

I know it's homecoming. I know that Bobby Dodd will already be full of fans waiting to see their Jackets triumph. But it's not enough to merely be there. It's not enough to merely bring your everyday level of intensity. This game will decide whether our season is just good or if it's great. Outside of those mutts from the east, this is by far our most meaningful home game of the season, and every one from the south endzone to the tip top of the north needs to cheer like it is. If we want to win the ACC, we must win this game. Period.

This Facebook event is not what's important. What's important is to get the message out. To put it in every Tech fan's ear that their loudest won't be enough on Saturday; they will have to bring more. All week, as you go through classes, tests, homecoming events, etc...pass it along. Remind yourselves that on Saturday, we stand with our proud men of the gridiron. This needs to be louder than anything ever experienced before on the flats. VT needs to feel the stadium shake when they take the field. Don't let up. Not for a goddamn second.

The burden is on each and every one of you, my fellow Tech fans, to be just a little louder every down. To be just a little more into it than the guy or gal next to you. It's more than third down. It's more than a key defensive stop. It's sixty minutes with 55,000 strong. It's time to step it up, and make BDS a cacophony of pure energy, sound, and electricity from start to finish. We will be heard. We will be feared. We will send those Hokies back home losers.

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

viti2 2009.10.14. 05:44:37

Szpiti blogja után szabadon. Azonnal classic lett. Zsír zene, tökéletes klip:

viti2 2009.10.14. 05:45:08

@viti2: Na jó, a zene elég szar, de a klip azért jó ;-)
süti beállítások módosítása