2009.04.10. 20:56 | kutyacica | 1 komment

Ez a bejegyzés aól nagyon megtetszett, úgyhogy berakom ide. Annyit tennék hozzá, hogy az előző kommentemben írtak looming large statuszban vannak, úgy mint Rio, Berba, Wes és a kis Rafael mind visszatérnek két héten belül - csak éppen Portóba szerdán megyünk. De amit nem szabad elfelejteni, hogy amit én erről a szezonról jövőre szeretnék elmondani az annyi, h beértük a scousereket a bajnokik számában. De ami a lényeg, tök jogos h jó ez a kis reality check, magam is éreztem a felpörgés hiányát kicsit a meccseken már, de most megint valóban izgalommal várja az ember a meccsnapot, az biztos.

Glory Reds, down, but never out! Blog: In praise of unpredictability

Many United fans would probably take a bit of defensive dullness right now – a return to those days in early 2009 when all the talk was of shut-out records measured in thousands of minutes.

Back then, the Reds’ stock peaked on a weekend when we weren’t even playing in the league, but squeaking past Spurs at Wembley in a not-terribly-interesting Carling Cup final and Liverpool were imploding at the Riverside. It seemed we were strolling to the title and collecting trophies like mere baubles.

But is that really what we want? When you’re dandling your grandchildren on your knee and telling them amazing tales about the 2008/09 season, are you really going to regale them with Edwin’s 14 clean sheets and a raft of 1-0s against Bolton, Wigan, Everton, Middlesbrough?

All the Red stories you can remember from seasons past are those with a plotline of adversity and redemption. From Busby’s decade-long rebuild from tragedy to Wembley ‘68; the depths of Leeds ‘92 to the ecstasy of Sheffield Wednesday ‘93; from 2-0 down in Turin to 2-1 up in the Nou Camp; John Terry, just John Terry.

This season has been, until now, a curiously flat affair. After another stuttering start, United were galvanised by the return of Ronaldo and burst of scoring form from Rooney and Berbatov, but even now, and despite our continued progress towards five trophies, the Reds have rarely been exceptional by our own lofty standards. Chelsea (H) and Inter (A) stand out as performances to remember, but before Federico Macheda’s intervention last weekend, it’s hard to recall any heart-stopping drama.

So this is where it gets interesting. Yes, United have had a wobble and no-one wants to lose to Liverpool at home, but we’re still top of the table with a game in hand.

With a resurgent Chelsea looming it could be the first three-way title run-in for years and it will be VERY EXCITING.

This week, we’ve seen what can happen if football teams look beyond conventional wisdom and play the way they want to.

Porto threw everything at United and got the two goals they deserved – don’t forget, on one hand we nearly won it, on the other it could have been much worse than a draw. On Wednesday, Chelsea put Michael Essien inside Steven Gerrard’s shirt and backed themselves to win a game of 10 against 10 against Liverpool. It worked, and then some. Neither game was perfect, and the ex-centre-half pundits will have had faces like sucked lemons at the defensive chaos, but you couldn’t take your eyes off it.

So embrace the squeak and roar the Reds to keep attacking, conceding if we must, and attacking some more. It’s the United way, and we love it.

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Viti2 (törölt) 2009.04.22. 16:45:47

Elég vicesnek találom, hogy az MU blogon a csávó (csaj?) kb leírja, hogy mennyire unalmasan indul az idei szezon, mert minden kupasorozatban jól teljesítünk. Lol. Amikor behúzzuk a BL-t, meg a PL-t (új eredeti rövidités a Premier League (c) vagy nem új, csak még sehol nem láttam így) akkor majd leírja, hogy unalmas szezon volt???

Én valahogy úgy vagyok vele, hogy ha mondjuk a szezon összes további meccsét 6-0-ra nyerjük és a többiek meg szarul teljesítenek az is ugyanolyan jó. Kicsit ez a gondolkodás arra emlékeztet, amikor valaki abban bízik, hogy a meccs végén 11-es párbaj lesz, mert az "olyan izgi".

Szerintem neki mondjuk a Blackburnnek kellene szurkolnia, ha nem értékeli a sorozatos nyerést...
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