Where in the world is... ME? AKA rest in peace ^_^ kutyacica

2008.09.04. 07:31 | kutyacica | Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: gep


this will be english for the following reasons:

1 so you can pick on me
2 related to 1 because I am unbelievably awesome
3 because my computer absolutely died on me on thursday and now I have sg of a working computer finally, but the keyboard layout is english and I just dont care enough to change it ápdét csak megcsináltam valamit szívózott bár nem is értem mit, na sebaj mostmár le nem fordítom az is biztos.

OK so about 3, in the middle of class my notebook starts bleeping, u know that kind of alarming hardware error sound. I turn it off and after that... never to be seen again. After days of immense szopas (theres just no good word for it in english), I figured the hard drive and the memory are dead, got new memory, saved data of the corrupted disk, redone the homeworks I still lost and finally got a brand new Hardy Ubuntu working, live boot of a usb stick and finally, wrote a script to set up everything all over again when I boot. I luckily have a borrowed external drive so I can at least save data. Now my hardy is setup with every app, drive and codec I need in 15 mins boot time that includes a whole lot of downloading obviously (apt-get update).

160 G SATA Hard Drive approx. $70
2 G USB $24
2G DDR2 RAM $38
Switching to Hardy Heron Priceless! Hardy is awesome! If you use anything else switch now!

No need to have any linux background whatsoever this is more user friendly then any windows I have ever seen (ok, I know thats not saying much :)

Note: there ARE issues with the usb live version, just install. After all, YOU probably have a hard drive!

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